Monday, January 20, 2014

Bear one anothers' burdens

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

I just want to take a moment to say how thankful I am to all of you. 

Thankful for your words.

Thankful for your encouragement.

Thankful for your prayers and thoughts and tears. 

Thankful for it all.  

Until you are on this side of something like this- you just don't know how much of a difference it all makes.  I can't even express my appreciation - there aren't any words.  

We are called to lift one another up - I believe this is not only a calling from scripture- but a duty of the human race - to react when we know another is hurting, to DO something, whatever that looks like.  

Sometimes it's forgiveness. Letting go. Because this stuff sure makes you see what is REALLY important. 

And sometimes it is a quiet prayer with a pure heart- and God sees that too.  

Thank you for reacting- in whatever way.  

Are some reactions tough to take? Sure.  Are some awkward in their response? LOL  sure they are. Because some things we just don't know what to say. Or do. And I get that.    

Because we know there just aren't any words sometimes that are sufficient.  

But- it's the posture of the heart that counts.  And that is what God sees.  

So thank you.  Love does.  And love isn't love until you give it away.  There are so many that are thirsty for love- seek them out today.  Stop for the one today. Everyone has tough days- weeks-months-years...

 One day you just might be the one in need of that love.  You reap what you sow.

I have prayed for others many times- have been the one on the other side  - and now I appreciate it so much more.  

He is the God who doesn't just take away our suffering. But He is the God who enters into it.

Much love <3 


1 comment:

  1. Christa,
    You give me hope. You give me inspiration. Knowing first hand with family members that have gone through some sort of Cancer, seeing how each one dealt with it differently, You give me a smile on my face for you & your family. I continue to lift yall up in prayer. Love you friend! <3
