Thursday, January 16, 2014

Asking for your prayers.

I have prayed and thought and prayed and thought about doing this blog.
I really feel that this is the easiest way to get communication out to a large group of people.

I know many of you have been praying for me, and have been asking if I'm okay. I appreciate your love and concern more than you know. We haven't said anything until now because we just weren't sure.

 There's just no easy way to share this...

I have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I have a good prognosis- it is "early stage" and the doctors feel it has been discovered at the best time.

I just wasn't feeling "myself" for a few months now....hormones, as well as a lump I discovered in October.

I am still coming to terms with all of this - it has been challenging to say the least - but my faith in God is not shaken.  I believe that He will work all things together for my good- and those affected- and that He will get glory from this.

I pray that you won't feel hurt if I haven't shared this with you "face to face"... it is a difficult thing to share. I appreciate your understanding.  The support system He has given is so precious to us.

It will be a long process- but I'm a fighter, and refuse to be broken.

I pray that my little life will shine for Him through the process.  No matter what it looks like.

I ask you to pray and believe with me for complete healing and for my family to be covered with His mercy and love and peace.  Thank you in advance.

I love you and am thankful for those God has blessed me to be in relationship with.

Count your blessings, name them one by one :)

<3 Christa


  1. Praying for you, precious friend. Love you so much.

  2. I love you sweet friend! I will pray for you continually! God has this in his control!

  3. The Williams Rivera family have you in our prayers. Rena has gone through several trials and will share with you any help she can. We love you and all your family and are at your disposal. God's git this sis.
    Dean, Rena and all our canguros at the Williams-Rivera Refuge

  4. Praying and believing. Love you all.

  5. Christa,
    I am a friend of your mom. I will pray for healing, peace, strength and comfort!! Take care, Lisa Hatch

  6. Praying and standing In agreement for complete healing we love you let us know what we can do too

  7. Christa,
    I just linked into your blog from another that I read, and became one of your followers. My family and I will be sure to pray. We don't know you personally, but hope to come to know you better through your blog. I wondered why I was singing this song so much today...and now I know:-)
    Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see
    All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
    Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

  8. Hi Christa,
    I'll be lifting you and your family up in prayer.


  9. Praying for you sweets. This very morning. :)
