Thursday, October 18, 2012

Be you, bravely

He takes me as I am…just as I am…And He takes you just as you are! You are enough.
There are things I have always wanted to do.  But I put them off...I will do them later, when my kids get bigger, when I get out of this mess, when I feel better about myself, when i am older…on and on and on.

He doesn’t want me to wait until I’m ” there”.  Until I’ve arrived!  He's given us all potential. HIS potential. Ahhh... this truth should make us begin today right?
I have begun to share my life more freely. It’s nothing like the movies mind you. BUT I am starting to open up my heart.  I am doing one little thing toward one thing that I’ve always wanted to do.  And you know what? It feels pretty darn good.  And do you know what else? I’ve stopped listening so much to the LIES. This is a choice!  Choosing what we believe is quite powerful.
What about you? 
Is there just one thing you can do starting today to take one step toward making it become a reality tomorrow?  Saying goodbye to fear and worry. 

It feels so good. So free. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus :)

<3 christa

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