Monday, August 15, 2016

Crappy Days.

Some days are just crappy.  

Sometimes the days turn into weeks, & the weeks turn into months.

Things don't happen like you hoped.

Things happen that you didn't expect.

Your plans fell apart.

Sometimes the people you thought would reach out or be there just aren't.  
For whatever reasons.  

Maybe they are busy.  

Maybe they don't know what to say.  

Maybe they've been lied to or decieved.

                                               Maybe they are having a crappy day too. 

I woke up after a day of blissful yard work - the yard of our rental house was a bit overgrown- and my arms were covered in poison ivy.  Then my legs were.  Then it spread to my face and it just was not getting better.

(And by the way - I never remember having poison ivy in my life....) 

So after a week of steroids and a shot in the butt, I *think* I'm on the mend.  

Oh- and this started on the FIRST day of my new job.  Which is at a cute little cafe downtown- and not anything I've ever done before - but it's time for new things.  So here I am.  

After a week of meltdowns in our family - did I mention this has been a HARD season? - I finally feel a bit of relief.  Kevin has a potential job and another possibility - and we are choosing to believe - to beleve UNTIL.  Until the prayer is answered.  Until things are better.  

Sometimes life is rough. Don't overspiritualize it or analyze it. Just be honest about it. Sometimes life is hard because the battle is hard. 

And maybe - just maybe- there is something really great on the other side of the fight.  Something precious.  Something that you just can't get the easy way.  

Keep praying, friends.  Keep going.   Keep believing.  

Until <3 


  1. there is something really great on the other side of the fight. Something precious. Keep moving in Christ.... He has this... not overnight... but you'll get there.
    Prayers. ❤

  2. Oh no so sorry to hear all that you've been going through. I pray things are going much better now. I miss you guys so much, and I love you all.

  3. Well poison ivy is about as bad as it gets. :-). I had it once as a kid when I fell off a horse right into a big bunch of the stuff. Didn't bother the horse one bit.

    Christa, I don't know the story and all I know is that one day you all were just gone. Gone!

    My heart was breaking for you all. Still is.

    Hopefully, life will settle down. Maybe?

    Take care and keep out of junk. :-)

  4. You are all in my thoughts and prayers . I can't say I've been in your exact place . No one can but you are loved beyond all by Father. I love you , miss your sweet smile , and your words of wisdom. There is light on the other side , Father has you in His loving arms . It's a season . I love you so

  5. As always your words ring true. We come out of the fog and hopefully realize that it happened for reasons we might not understand, but it built us to be even better. Keep on keeping on and prayers and good lucks your way!

  6. It has been a hard season for many of us.BUT God is doing a new thing and we must adapt. We have found lately our plans are not HIS plans... God is faithful and we win.. keep laser focused on God and trust he knows what he is doing.. sometimes we have to leave our "comfortable ways" whether we want to or not... praying for you all and are here to help you all anytime

  7. Girl you are so inspiring!! There is so much on the other side. You and Kevin and the kids are in my prayers. Good didn't bring you this far to just forget about you. Some seasons are definitely harder than others. Keep your head up and know that God is walking with you!! Love to you both!!
