Friday, December 20, 2013

A stripper Christmas... What???

Did I get your attention? :)

Love does. It isn't love unless you give it away. And it looks like something.

It looks like children that can't eat dinner unless you take food to their house.

It looks like buying sausage biscuits for the homeless men on the corner. 

It looks like children giving to other children- and learning what it truly means to give. 

It looks like forgiving the grudge and letting go and blessing instead of cursing. And in turn you bless yourself. 

It looks like an idea- to DO something about the things you think about- not overthinking it but just doing. 

Love in action.

Last February we had lived here in amarillo for about 6 weeks. I was saddened by the amount of strip clubs their were in the city. My hometown only had one to my knowledge-and the effort to close it was consistent. But here in amarillo there are quite a few.

So many. Too many.

I had the idea- what if we bless, bless instead of curse? Love instead of judge? Look upon with compassion instead of with haughty eyes?

So I threw the idea and my heart behind it out to my leaders. Leaders who don't just read the bible, about Jesus... They walk it out in plain view for all to see. 

They blessed it and gave funds to it, and off we were. We made approx 60 bags and distributed them to several of the clubs for valentines day. They had nail polish, lotions, lip gloss, candy and a card attached with the contact info for our churches. The card read "there could never be a more beautiful you." 

We never heard a word back. And we were prepared for that. Because love doesn't keep record- or expect a response. Love just DOES.

This November we presented the idea again- to bless these girls for Christmas. Those who are only looked at for lust and performance. To remind them that there is ONE who sees deeper than their skin. A good Daddy who loves them for who they are- not what they can do.

A friend who knows the owner of some of the clubs we went to shared that when she spoke with him a few weeks ago- he wasn't happy with us. She asked why- he replied...

"I don't know what you put in those bags, but two of my best dancers quit after getting them." 

He doesn't want us to come back. 

We gathered last night and made 99 bags. We didn't mean to make 99- it just happened. But God knew. 

"Look at it this way:if someone has 100 sheep and one if them wanders off, doesn't he leave the 99 and go after the one? Andif he finds it, doesn't he make far more over it than the 99 who stay put? Your father in Heaven feels the same way. He doesn't want to lose even one." Matthew 18:12-14

He doesn't want to lose even one. 

This Christmas, stop for the one. Act on the idea. Do something for someone. It might not be a stripper, but it might be. It might be a family member. It might be a stranger. Just do it.

Love does,
Christa ❤️

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday happenings

Oh the busyness of life. I am sitting at home on a Saturday evening and taking a breath. Subbing at schools, working in ministry, children's practices, creating pretties and shipping out orders, and the day to day family stuff - laundry, school work, sibling rivalry- can suck your joy if you aren't careful.

And it's too easy to let that happen. Too easy to miss the small stuff- that is really the big stuff. 

Jesus is in it all if we take the time to see Him. Always working, interceding on our behalf. For those that trust in Him.

In the plans that don't work out like we hoped, in the sudden discovery of blockages and open heart surgery of a loved one, and in the fear of what the future holds. And the doubt too. 

What do you do for your first Christmas away from "home"? I wondered this as the holidays approached and realized it's what you make it. It's different, yes. But seasons come and they go and love is what matters. 

What do you do? The same as all of us.

You keep going. And you smile and you laugh because joy is strength for today and tomorrow. You find time where there seems to be none- to make gingerbread trains and look at Christmas lights and make candy and cookies. 

You fight for a sense of normal and you balance the imbalance-.for there is grace for this season and more importantly - for today. And it's so with fighting for. 

 I am thankful for my sweet family and the faithful God we serve. 

❤️ Christa 


Sunday, November 3, 2013

And if not, He's still good

Lots on my heart lately...

Family...holidays approaching and the first year 1600 miles from home (and my mom, cause home is where your mom is)  

counting up the cost and remembering that He's so worth it even when it's not easy or comfortable 

Worries about kids and money and praying for grace to balance this crazy busy wonderful life- just keeping it real 

Being more intentional in pouring my life into our kids...not taking the "ordinary" for granted 

Sad and confused when my heart and prayers don't exactly line up with what I see with my eyes...casting doubt from my heart and mind daily- taking thoughts captive can be terribly exhausting but so necessary 

Amazed at how He knew a fear I had was that I would have no friendships after the move, I so despise loneliness...being a pastors wife is tough sometimes, but watching Him bring such beautiful people into my life and the lives of my husband and children...that not only fill a void but bless us and love us so big...having someone bless my child and show them real love makes my heart just about pop

Heavy heart for feeling misunderstood at times- but thankful for a God that knows my heart at all times when people do not

Easy to praise Him when we are in our comfort zones but not so easy when we are stripped of it... 

Hoping and praying He will show Himself faithful and true, but even if He doesn't do what I hope for, what I think I need...He is still good. 

He's always good and sweet and His acts of love are seen and felt in my heart. 

Learning to be content and grateful and thankful and walking in my grace for today :) 

Even if He doesn't, He's still good. Daniel 3:1-18


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Life more abundant

The Lord is good.  So, so good.

The past week has been a whirlwind, but so full of His goodness.

Thursday of last week, I taught alongside a great woman of God for two days.  We shared material from Lisa Bevere's, "Girls with Swords" book.  Such amazingly powerful stuff.  Life changing, if we are willing to grab onto the truth in the words.  Such a privelege to teach the word of God. I don't take it lightly, that's for sure.  Unqualified? Chief of sinners? Broken? Yes. But He's making me beautiful. And He loves to use broken things for His glory.

My mom, stepdad, and three sweet friends also decended into Amarillo for a visit.  My heart is so full!
I have heard it said that if you can count your true friends on one hand, you should consider yourself blessed.  I believe it.

I believe you appreciate your "people" more when you don't see them every day. I used to take that for granted. They are gifts to us. I see that more clearly these days.

So very grateful for the relationships that God gives. He loves us, oh how He loves us.

Lastly, I have been praying about jobs.  I have an online etsy shop, and it has been a blessing to our family for sure.  But I have felt the pull to pursue employment outside of the home.  It's a big step for me, and I'm super excited about it.  I start one of two (part time) jobs on Saturday, and will begin the other next week. I LOVE people, and can't wait to get out there and let my little light shine :)

There's always enough in Him. Abide. Always enough. Even when I feel dry, and alone, and empty.  Even when the hard times come. And when it feels my prayers hit the ceiling. I remind myself that He is present, always listening, doing what is best for me.

Always enough. Life more abundant.

Christa <3

Friday, September 13, 2013

If you don't quit, you win

"Don't give up, don't give in, if you don't quit, you win." -Misty Edwards

Song lyrics running through my head and heart this week.

Life can be messy.  Anytime people are involved, there is likely to be drama. We just can't help it, bless our hearts. :)

Disappointments come. Life hits. People hurt us. Sometimes intentional, and sometimes completely ignorant.

What should our response be?  To back up? To turn our love off?  Stop pushing forward? It's not easy to keep going. To push thorough.

I believe that God will guide us in rough times, as well as good.  I believe He will flag us (if we are listening) and let us know when something is unhealthy for us, whether it be a relationship or an action.

He is a good daddy and He wants us whole.

But I also believe we direct ourselves alot of the time, and think we are doing the right thing.

A few questions I think we can ask ourselves when dealing with a difficult situation and we are tempted to back up and quit...

Is this bringing me joy? (not temporary happiness, but JOY)

Am I bringing God glory in this?

Is this hindering my relationship with Him? 

Am I growing?  

This is my personal process.  It works for me.  And if something is not healthy for me, I am learning that I am valuable enough to determine what I allow in my borders.  Not because we don't care. But because we do.

But what if it isn't what He wants for us?  Emotions come and go. We can be red hot one minute, and ice cold the next.

What if we hung on just a bit longer- and something amazing was around the corner.  Only you and Him can determine what works for you- and if the timing is right.

He's a good, good daddy.  Trust Him.

Praying for patience today-
Christa <3

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Be thou my vision

This old hymn comes on my Pandora station quite a bit.  Honestly, I had never heard it before, I didn't grow up in church consistently and I don't know many hymns.  I am realizing more and more how beautiful and powerful some of these older songs really are.... may we learn to honor the past and see God in all, not just our contemporary worship.  We might just miss something if we see Him only the way we think is true.

Hope it blesses you as much as it did me :)

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

<3 Christa 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just a little life eval :)

I’m Christa, wife to Kevin,  mama to three, and honestly, I’m a bit of a mess. It’s okay, really. His grace is the most amazing of all.
I thought after I (barely) graduated high school I'd go to college and be a kindergarten teacher. Run away from my hometown and never look back. 
I married a man who would later become a Pastor instead & chose the straight and narrow instead of the american dream. Stayed closeby and thought I'd never leave...until God said otherwise. 
I had babies. Three beautiful babies. I blinked and they are all growing My laundry room is never empty. Neither is my dishwasher. I lose my train of thought and forget things often. I worry. I get anxious. I have to remind myself of His promises daily - and that what I am doing matters... Most days I feel just a tad bit overwhelmed and crazy.
I struggle with believing in myself. The pressure gets to me...often. It's much easier to encourage others and push them forward that to tell yourself the things you need to hear. 
I've been broken and mended and have seen His hand work in my tiny little life. It’s proof that God really does use broken, messed up, and fallible lives anyways. He's so good.

I like to write and to paint and to make things. Especially out of "broken" and "useless" things. It makes me feel closer to the One who created it all... Creativity takes courage.

My favorite thing is to see the smile of a child. To see their little faces light up when they know that you care.

I am seeking to live — and learning to see the sacred in the chaos,   

the Cross in the everyday, the flame in the bush.
I am learning that it is possible - possible to see Him in every detail.  In every smile, in every flower, in every butterfly.  
Possible to forgive and be forgiven. Possible to find kindred hearts and friendships that last and stand the test of time. 
And possible to embrace the new seasons and let go of the past, and chances to take on bitterness, without letting it mark you. To embrace my new identity and walk in the fullness of what He has called me to.  To finish well. 
I am grateful that He cares, and that He is with us always. He keeps His promises.
Looking forward to what is ahead,
<3 Christa

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Will you catch me?

Taking a leap of faith is a crazy thing. It requires a moment of craziness I think. Depending on the size of the leap, it may require temporary insanity. Packing up a family of five, selling your home, giving away your pet, leaving a great church and precious family and friends, for what you believe God is saying.

Some stay far from the ledge because they are too afraid. Afraid of failure or disappointment.

Yep, a moment of crazy.

In many ways we are still in transition, even after 8 months. There are many times I must remind myself of His words spoken and the promises He made. The enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy every word and promise God has given. No one is exempt from his schemes. Especially not pastors and leaders.

What will it look like? How much farther? When will we see more fruit? Will the naysayers ever hush? How much longer, Lord?

I must remind myself daily to hold on, even when I don't know how. Like the blind man healed by Jesus. "Go and wash your eyes in the pool..." He had to find his way, even when he couldn't see fully.

It seems so dim, but one day He will make it clear. I believe it.

Do I worry that we will fall? Do I still have times of uncertainty? Doubts and anxiety over the future? Yes, I am human. But I know I have a good daddy who promises to catch me. And who gives us "sweet spots" along the way.

 I remember and I cling to the times God has tested my faith, and He has never abandoned me.

Gotten quiet? Yes. But still there.

Always there.

<3 Christa

Friday, July 19, 2013


So I titled this blog post "Messy".  I have been thinking alot the past few weeks about people.

God has given Kevin and I a heart for people that some would give up on. We believe that Jesus didn't come to die for programs, or coffee bars, fish stickers or pretty church signs. Jesus died for people.

People that have made mistakes, screwed things up, don't know their bible, can't quote scripture or bible stories because they never went to Sunday School and aren't really sure what this whole "church" thing is even about.

People that will forget that you tried to help them. People that bite you and spit at you and never say thank you.

People who HAVE grown up going to church but still screwed up the "following Jesus thing" because they didn't let it sink in deep and truly meet Jesus. Instead they looked at people and flesh and sin and gave up. Or they took for granted what was handed to them so freely.

People that don't really care what seat they sit in at church. What color the carpet is. Or which parking spot they get.

People who have fallen down 7 times, and stood up eight. And will probably fall again.

People that need someone, anyone to believe in them, that they can get it right and live to fight another day.

I didn't grow up attending church every Sunday.  I went in the summer for a week to Vacation Bible School to my grandparents church. I got a new dress for easter and we all went to hear my grandma sing.  I didn't know about David and Goliath or Mary and Martha or Judas.

I don't feel confident all the time. I lack faith sometimes. I struggle to keep going some days. I screw up. Alot.  I have to remind myself that He is enough - that His love is enough for me. I have to work a little harder than the life long church goer.

Does that make me less of a Christian?  Because I'm not "churched up?" Does it make me less important to Jesus?  No.  Just like those who still haven't heard the good news are no less important to His heart.  I believe so many of us forget that we are just as messy and dirty as the man on the street holding a cardboard sign.  As the stripper trying to make a living.  As the cashier at Walmart.  As the guy on the corner trying to sell drugs.

Because the Jesus I know looks at the heart, not at the outer appearance.  So let us take care in the way we look at others.  Let us not be quick to judge, but quick to love.  If we say we are christians, let us look like christians.

Love looks like something.  What does your love look like?  I want mine to be trench love. Messy, dirty, gutter love. That reaches without borders and limits. No gates love.  Even when it hurts.  

Because that is what His love looks like to me. He loved me even when I didn't love Him. And because of His love, I was drawn to Him.

<3 Christa

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Letting go

We're baaaaacccckkkk :)

Saturday we arrived back in Amarillo, after a week long visit in Virginia.  It had been almost 6 months since our move, and lots of emotions ran through our family.  We were excited to see our loved ones and visit our old stomping grounds.  And we were a little apprehensive about visiting our former church, and new pastors.  I decided to just let go and trust God (easier said than done).  Oh He is so, so good and right on time.

Never early and never late.

Always on time.

The church is as beautiful as ever, and the new shepherds are placed by His hand.  The church is glowing and being the light they are called to be.  Such a testimony that God works all things together for the good of those that love Him, and are called according to His purpose.  We were so blessed while there, and got some sweet family time with some who are moving and shifting.  Grateful for those who came to spend time with us.

Right on time.

All this said, I became aware that I hadn't let go of my last season.  The worry about those without a shepherd kept me and Kevin up at night, many times.  I realized that I could now let go, and became filled with peace and knowledge that it never really was about us, but about Him and His plan.  I am refreshed and ready to run into what He has for me an my family.

He gives grace for the season we are in.  He places relationships that we need and crave. He sets the solitary in families.  He is just so sweet.

I am so grateful for the sweet presence of Jesus.  There are times when we just need to remember - and reflect- and thank Him for the past.  And then we must let go and move forward into the new, and trust that He has all under His watchful heart.

Looking forward to what this new season brings.

<3 Christa

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Take a moment

Take a moment to remember
Who God is, and who I am
There You go, lifting my load again
     -Will Reagan & United Pursuit Band

Sometimes you need to take a moment.  Life is such a fast moving thing, and we just fall in with the to and fro of it all, running here and there and being caught in the flow.  Most of us don't really know how to slow down, and sometimes it takes something drastic to make us stop.  For me, it is being alone that causes me to quiet down and just be.

My love is on his annual trip across the country to honor our veterans, POWs and MIAs, both past and present, participating in Rolling Thunder and Run for the Wall.  It involves being away from us for weeks, and gives me alot of time by myself.

I used to HATE him being away. It left me heavy hearted and lonely and miserable. Bitter, even.  Why does he get to do everything while I'm stuck here?  Cleaning, taking care of things, keeping the home moving and the kids taken care of. Blah, blah, blah.

I have finally come to the realization (and still am getting there) that I need these times just as much as he does.  We all need time to our selves to quiet down our busy minds and just be.

My dad passed a few years back, after being in prison for most of my life.  For so long I wanted him, his attention, his validation. Wanted to know he was proud of me. Wanted to have him at my dance recitals. My softball games. Just wanted to have him in public with me, so that other kids would know that I actually had a dad.  But those days never came, and the most we had were picnics inside a barbwire fence and games of rummy. (He actually taught me to play pretty well:) )  This left a huge void in my life, and after marrying my husband and beginning the process of healing I realized how terrified I was to be alone.

How do you heal from such pain? One day at a time. One moment, one breath at a time.

I pray sometimes that God will help me to recall the few "good" memories I had with my dad. Yesterday He gave me one that was so sweet and I have never thought of it before.  A lady on klove radio was talking about her grandpa, and how she related God to her relationship with him, because when she walked in the room, he would light up. No matter what, she never had to "do" anything, he just lit up, just because she was there.  She shared how she knew that's how God felt about us, that we never had to perform, or act for Him. He just loved us. Just because. And when we walked into the room, He lit up, every time.

This moved me so. I cried in the car, and I remembered the times I would go with my grandma to maximum security prisons to visit my dad. We would go through the process of pat down, metal detectors, locked doors and riding in vehicles to get to the innermost parts for visitation.  And we would go through the final door of the visiting room, and there he was. And when I would come in the room, he would light up like I was the best thing on earth. Like no one else was there, and nothing else mattered.

Why would God allow me this memory? It's because He loves me like that, and He wants me to know it.  To know it deep.  

These moments in my life are few and far between, but when they come I am learning to stop and take a moment. Take a moment to remember who God is and who I am. That He cares about me, and every detail matters to Him.

And there He is, taking my load again. So faithful, and in my moment with me. He is returning me to what I was meant to be, healed and whole and able to love.

Christa <3

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What a week

Almost Friday, almost the end of a stressful week in America.

On Monday, bombs went off at the Boston Marathon, reminding us that evil is real and sadness too.  Fear grips the hearts of so many and stories fill the media.  There continue to be news reports, about abortion doctors and blood and hatred and murder and explosions and sadness and loss. A pull for followers of Christ always exists - a pull to answer the question -

"Where do I stand?"  

I have searched my heart for answers. I am sure that as an american, a mom, a daughter, a cousin, a sister, that I would want an answer if I lost someone in such a violent way.  Would I be angry? Sure.

And I would want answers to the questions of WHY and HOW and what are we gonna do?  Revenge can easily stir in the hearts of those who are wronged.  But the call is always the low road.  Our flesh and emotion will always want the higher ground - to stand up and fight, to shout louder, to hit harder.

But is that always the answer?  Shouldn't our response always be Christ?  Not silent and small, or ignorant, or in a corner huddled in fear.  But strong in the knowledge of who He is and who we are in Him.

Strong in the knowing  that He has all things in His hand, and will take care of them in His perfect time.

We know that there is a time to speak, and a time to be silent.  There is a time for everything, according to Ecclesiastes 3.  And when we are asked for our stance, for our heart, may we all be ready.  And quick to embrace and be a refuge for those in need. 

I cannot put it any better than Ann Voskamp, author of 1000 Gifts did.

"For Christ followers, it's more than being pro-choice and pro-life - it's about always being pro-the-least-of-these."  

That just about sums it up.  There's no better time to LOVE.  And love for real.

<3 Christa

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I heard a life changing word this weekend and just HAVE to share with you.
Maybe it will shine a light in your heart and bring a little encouragement. :)

I am BLESSED beyond measure to have such amazing leadership in my life.  I never knew how important it really was to have godly strong people speaking into me.  I pray I never take it for granted again. I don't know where I'd be without it...don't even wanna know.

Sitting under our Bishop and brother this Sunday, I heard his heart and deep cry. A heart for the body of Christ to come back to the heart of God.  To see Him as abba and daddy and not just a church service once a week or month or year.  A cry to see this generation come back to the Lord, really back to Him, and seek Him in prayer and devotion.

And then I heard another share a word given to him about "footsteps."  He shared that as he came to the end of himself, and cried out for change and strength to leave the past behind - REALLY behind - and despair at the thought of skeletons coming out of his closet and continuing to hold him back from what God wanted him to be and do.

He said that as he cried out he felt the Lord come and sit beside him in his vehicle. And the Lord directed him to the last verse of Psalm 23.

                    "...surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...."

AHHHHHHHHHH!  How many times have I beat my head against the wall, hopeless and depressed and sad?  Wishing I would have known earlier that I was meant to change the world? That I had purpose and reason for living?  That I was loved NO MATTER WHAT and where I'd been?

It ISN'T the skeletons rattling, and it ISN'T the enemy on my tail.  It ISN'T my past or old demons or mistakes chasing me down, waiting for me to fall.

It's goodness and mercy, following me.  It's HIS promise to be present and always there.  My gratefulness for this revelation to my heart just can't fully be expressed on a blog or in words, but I am so happy to have a GOOD FATHER who knows my heart even when I can't speak it.

Hope you hear those footsteps today and every day too :)

<3  Christa

Monday, March 11, 2013

A little McBride Update

It's been a bit since my last blog- whew! Time flies when you're having fun :)

We have been here in Texas for 3 months already. God has been so good to us!

We are revitalizing a church here in Amarillo, and our hearts are already knit with this City.  We have been painting, cleaning, freshening up and working hard to prepare a place for others to meet Jesus. God has put together a worship team and we are so excited for the future.

Our first outreach was to the area Strip Clubs for Valentines Day- God put on my heart to reach out to the forgotten and overlooked- the women's ministries of Christian Heritage Church and Grace Church got together and made 60 sweet little gift bags of candy, lip gloss, nail polish, etc. with the tag that said, "You're beautiful" and our church names and numbers. We dropped them off before the clubs opened for the day- without pointing fingers or hitting them over the head with a Bible. Just tangible love - wrapped up in a little bag.

We are planning an Easter Family Fun Day at the park across from the church on March 30.  We will have thousands of eggs, games, giveaways, and lots of fun for the adults and kids. This is not a gimmick- it is simply a tool to break down walls and love on people.  We believe Jesus died not for programs and church buildings- Jesus died for people and we have to be willing to get out of our little bubbles and go to them. We are so excited about what God is doing.

In our personal lives, we have been challenged, pressed, pushed, and provoked to more of Him. I truly believe, as a great friend once told me, that obedience brings blessing.  But I also realize that blessing may not always look like we think it should.  We may look for the money, or the feel good of the moment, while God may be sending something disguised as suffering or discomfort that is really a blessing.  "Blessed are you when you are persecuted for my sake..."   

Not everyone has been over the moon to have us here :)  Believe it or not, some really love the way "things have always been" and aren't too excited about the boat being rocked.

I realize that we are not the cookie cutter preacher and preacher's wife.  And I am truly okay with that.  We know that our message will be sweet to some and sour to others.....that we will challenge and provoke some.  We are learning to be alright with who we are and embrace our anointing.  Walking in love and obedience to the best of our ability.  Keeping our eyes on Him. Staying close to the One who never changes His mind.

I have also begun an Etsy shop - at  The Lord put on my heart that there are creative ways of supplementing our income - already in us.  Creativity takes courage :)  I began creating art prints - scriptures, quotes, songs, etc.  I believe that words are powerful- that which we meditate upon is what we think about and become.

We also began working on special order leather bracelets - I had gotten one for Christmas and really wanted to make them for others. They can be specialized with different colors of leather and a word/phrase choice. We now have them for sale at a local shop here in town, and God is really blessing our efforts.  We are so grateful.

Here is the link to the shop...

I have seen His hand work in our lives so visibly - maybe it's because we are removed from our comfort zone - away from familiar - I'm not sure, but I have SEEN His hand and am eternally thankful for all He has done for us.

Be encouraged - the more you seek Him- the more you find Him. It's a promise, and He never breaks His promises.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trust Your Story

Last night I had a dream about my dad. I was visiting him in prison, which was pretty familiar because he was in there for most of my life. I woke up wondering why I would dream that, why my mind would wander there again. He had a heart attack a few years ago and died before being released, crushing my little girl dreams and I have been working through the pain of that ever since.

The conclusion I have come to is this - I had the dream and woke up- and there wasn't pain. I didn't wake up in tears. I woke up in thought and remembrance. That is progress.

I am getting better at telling my story and embracing my story and loving my story. Because every part of our story is a piece to our puzzle. And there is purpose locked inside every part when we learn to embrace it.

Have I "arrived"? No way. Is it never going to bring me to tears again? No regrets or sadness? Of course there will be times of that. I am human and a void was left. But God is the one doing the mending, not me. And His timing is perfect. He is a gentle Healer.

We can sit back and pretend it didn't happen, or we can give Jesus the pieces and let Him make something beautiful. Because He loves broken things.

Christa ⚓

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Be strong and courageous.

I have learned more about myself in the past 4 weeks than I have in the past year.  Being placed in a different environment, stripped of all that is familiar, away from close relationships and friends.  A wise woman told me that I would see what was really in me during this time, the good and the bad.  And she was SO right!  When pressure is applied, things will come out, things you didn't know were there and thought you had overcome.  Turns out they are there, and you just have to remind yourself they are covered in the blood and He is enough. 

His grace is always sufficient.  

He asks that we have courage - not because we can do it on our own, but because He is with us.

What is courage?

Courage is the ability to keep standing on weak knees. The ability to find beauty in your breaking, live vulnerably & intentionally. He loves when we admit we are broken.  He loves it, because in our weakness He is made strong.  

Courage is knowing that when we admit our smallness and weakness - it will help someone else, that thinks Christians are pretty and perfect and have it all together.

Courage is vulnerability and it is bravery. It is showing up no matter what the cost. Pushing through even when we aren't sure we'll be recieved.  Knowing that no matter what - He recieves us and believes in us.  

As small and broken and fragile as we are.

So be reminded...His mercies are new every morning. His grace is enough for you.  Because He died, there is always enough. 

Just look into His eyes, and you will see.  

Christa :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Everything's bigger in Texas...

Haven't you heard? Everything is bigger in Texas :)  That's what they say anyway, and I think it may be true.  I am specifically speaking about God.

At least it's my perspective right now.

I have seen the hand of the Lord move in our lives more in the past month than I ever have.  He is always faithful, always moving.  But removing ourselves from our comfortable hometown, and predictable schedules has brought such a clarity to me.  Being vulnerable and away from the norm really makes you see who/what you really trust in.

I can really SEE Him moving.  

His protection, provision, blessing and smile on us has been amazing.  He is such a good daddy.  Not only though what we need, but sometimes He even gives us what we want.  There have been times I have said something I would like to have, and it wasn't even necessary.  Just a want.  And there it came, less than a few hours later.  This has happened several times since our move to Texas.

I believe there are times in our lives that our Daddy God pours out His favor and blessing on us, as a reminder of His goodness and greatness.  We also have times where we feel like He is quiet and far away.  Or we have times of testing and fire and we need to cling to these "good" times and remind ourselves how sweet He really is.  Our faith grows during these times.

We are getting settled in our new home, have found a kitchen table (thank you Jesus!!) and other needed furniture, and are cooking meals in our brand new stove!  The people are beautiful, and have showed us such kindness and love.  We ate VERY well the first week here.  And we are in the process of joining a local gym to remove any signs of these meals :)

We all rode horses this past Saturday!  Kevin had rode when he was a child, but the rest of us were first timers :)  What a great time we had.  Loved our time there and hope to go again soon.

Please keep Kevin in your prayers, as he had to leave his BRAND NEW Christmas gift - a beautiful Harley Davidson, AND his 1995 Harley - in Wytheville, Virginia when the trailer decided it wasn't ready to leave VA yet.  They will be reunited in February :)

We so appreciate your prayers!  The children have all started their new schools and are excited for the future.

Sending much love to all from Amarillo.

<3 Christa