Thursday, January 24, 2013

Be strong and courageous.

I have learned more about myself in the past 4 weeks than I have in the past year.  Being placed in a different environment, stripped of all that is familiar, away from close relationships and friends.  A wise woman told me that I would see what was really in me during this time, the good and the bad.  And she was SO right!  When pressure is applied, things will come out, things you didn't know were there and thought you had overcome.  Turns out they are there, and you just have to remind yourself they are covered in the blood and He is enough. 

His grace is always sufficient.  

He asks that we have courage - not because we can do it on our own, but because He is with us.

What is courage?

Courage is the ability to keep standing on weak knees. The ability to find beauty in your breaking, live vulnerably & intentionally. He loves when we admit we are broken.  He loves it, because in our weakness He is made strong.  

Courage is knowing that when we admit our smallness and weakness - it will help someone else, that thinks Christians are pretty and perfect and have it all together.

Courage is vulnerability and it is bravery. It is showing up no matter what the cost. Pushing through even when we aren't sure we'll be recieved.  Knowing that no matter what - He recieves us and believes in us.  

As small and broken and fragile as we are.

So be reminded...His mercies are new every morning. His grace is enough for you.  Because He died, there is always enough. 

Just look into His eyes, and you will see.  

Christa :)

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