Friday, June 1, 2012

My bff :)

A few weeks ago I went on a 10 day trip.  I was home a little over a week, and my husband left for a 10 day trip.  yuck.

We have been married almost 14 years, and have been together for 15 years.  Almost half of the time I've been alive, I have been with him.  My best friend.  My favorite person in the entire world.  The funniest person I've ever known.  My happily ever after.

All couples have the tendency to settle into a routine.  We can't help it, it comes natural.  Familarity creeps in. Daily activities get mundane.  We get into the "Groundhog Day" as I like to call it, like the movie.  Day after day, similar stuff, kids and busyness.  Dealing with ministry issues, life issues, money issues.

As much as I despise being away from him, it is so good for us!  I am pulled away from him every year at this time, and it it terrible and wonderful at the same time.  He is an AMAZING person, and I forget that sometimes.  He is my GIFT, and that is taken for granted when I see him every day.  I forget.  Lord, forgive me for not remembering what a blessing this life is, the ones You've given me to serve.

To have a partner in this crazy life that shares my heart, it is a beautiful thing.  To be able to share my faith in Jesus, to share what He's doing in my heart. To know my purpose, and be encouraged in every area of my life, by someone who believes in my dreams.  And to feel the same way about him.  Grateful, thankful, blessed.

Don't take them for granted...

<3 Christa

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