Thursday, June 1, 2017


When you don't see what you hope for.  It's there - just clouded.

When they aren't sorry for the pain they've caused.  Know that we all reap what is sown.

When you pray and pray and He seems so quiet.  He's listening.


When you feel helpless.  Sometimes we must be still and let Him work.

When your dreams seem so very far away.  Hold on to them.

When you are lonely.  He will bring you who you need.


When you aren't sure if you're doing the right thing.  Just do the next thing.

When you are filled with regret and wish you could change things.  Just let go.

When they think they know, but they only have partial information.  He knows.


When it looks like others' prayers are answered, but not yours.  It's coming.

When the wilderness just won't let you go.  Put one foot in front of the other.

When wounds won't seem to heal.  Sometimes it's just a slow process.

Believe in these things...

Jesus is steady. Jesus is faithful. Jesus is honest.  Jesus is true.
He never lets go. He never lets down.

He doesn't back away when it gets messy.  He stays in the mess with you. He isn't afraid of your issues, and He can handle it.

He is real love. He is present.  He sees you and He sees me, and He hears every cry and He catches every tear.

Some of us know these things to be true. But we get caught up in life and junk and we doubt and we forget.

Some of us have been let down so much and hurt so badly that we doubt Him to be true... and He understands that too. But He isn't content with that belief - He wants to shake down your walls and come in with His love.  

He CAN heal our hurts. I believe it.  I am no where near where I used to be - but not yet where I want to be.  It's a process, and as much as I wish it were a quick just isn't.
But it will be worth it in the end.

May He be felt by you today. Let us open our hearts to love. To forgiveness and faith.  
Be washed in His word. Read it. Remind yourself of what He says.

"...Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." Romans 8:24-25

Keep pushing, keep going. Be encouraged.


<3 Christa

1 comment:

  1. ok girl, you just made me cry. you have no idea how this just ministered to my heart & mind.... if mine, how many others? thank you so much for this! HUgs
