Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Choose wisely.

Sometimes you just don't have words for the feelings in your heart.

You try and come up with something, to do it justice.  But there just doesn't seem to be anything that comes close.

Life can hit you hard sometimes.  Things seemingly come out of nowhere and throw you for a loop.  Leave you trying to catch your breath.

And you are there wondering, "What now?"

There are several options when trauma hits your house.  Choose wisely.

* You can dig a hole and jump in it.

*You can try and pull as many as you can into your offense.  Continuing the pain and attempting to build a group to validate your feelings.  At the same time, hardening your own heart and distancing yourself from God.

*You can turn and curse God.  "Where are you?  Where have you been?  Why didn't you do something?"  "You've never been there anyway."  "You never cared."

*Or - you can fall on your knees.  Know that He is always good. No matter the circumstance or situation.

I choose this one.

The ONLY ONE who has any virtue is Jesus.  The only one that never fails. That never turns away. That never lies.  That never pushes my face into my sins or even remembers them.

The one that helps me forgive.  Helps me choose life.  Helps me move forward. Helps me go through the hard things.

Helps me love. Even those that gossip and accuse and assume.

Jesus.  He's the only one.

He gives me hope, that one day I can stand before him and he will look me in the eyes and recognize me...and He will ask me the question -

"Christa......did you learn to love?"  

And I pray that I will fall down at his feet, and whisper, "Yes. I did."

<3 christa


  1. May I never come across as any of those things, other than your friend.

  2. You are a strong God fearing woman! May you continue to fall on your knees and know that YES He is there. I'm sorry for your pain, but as a child a God, I know that you will come out of this stronger and more alive than ever!!! Prayers for you and Kevin and your babies!!

  3. Love you both. Prayers for the family

  4. Love you guys praying for you all.


  5. You've made a good choice! The words you write have the power to heal any broken heart! Keep writing! Let your healing be a force for good! We love youguys!

  6. I love you christa and I too am learning to fall on my knees and give it all to God for as you stated ...he never fails us no matter what blindsides in life...

  7. Amen Christa. You are an inspiration many! Hugs and prayers!

  8. Change my heart, Lord, to one of love.

  9. Change my heart, Lord, to one of love.

  10. I will never stop loving you or your family . You are beyond loved. Keep your eyes right where they are on Father .He has you wrapped in Hos Glorius arms , never failing you, never leaving His young daughter. Do not feel shame , it is not a Father thing. Remember satan has tried since Eve to turn us from Father . We are flesh but You are right . Your eyes are only for Him.. I love you all and miss you no matter what .
