Thursday, August 15, 2013

Will you catch me?

Taking a leap of faith is a crazy thing. It requires a moment of craziness I think. Depending on the size of the leap, it may require temporary insanity. Packing up a family of five, selling your home, giving away your pet, leaving a great church and precious family and friends, for what you believe God is saying.

Some stay far from the ledge because they are too afraid. Afraid of failure or disappointment.

Yep, a moment of crazy.

In many ways we are still in transition, even after 8 months. There are many times I must remind myself of His words spoken and the promises He made. The enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy every word and promise God has given. No one is exempt from his schemes. Especially not pastors and leaders.

What will it look like? How much farther? When will we see more fruit? Will the naysayers ever hush? How much longer, Lord?

I must remind myself daily to hold on, even when I don't know how. Like the blind man healed by Jesus. "Go and wash your eyes in the pool..." He had to find his way, even when he couldn't see fully.

It seems so dim, but one day He will make it clear. I believe it.

Do I worry that we will fall? Do I still have times of uncertainty? Doubts and anxiety over the future? Yes, I am human. But I know I have a good daddy who promises to catch me. And who gives us "sweet spots" along the way.

 I remember and I cling to the times God has tested my faith, and He has never abandoned me.

Gotten quiet? Yes. But still there.

Always there.

<3 Christa

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