Thursday, January 5, 2012

Coming out of the fog

Deuteronomy 6:23  ~ But he brought us out from there to bring us in ...

I really felt compelled to blog today.  I pray that whoever chooses to read my ramblings recieves something from them :) 

The past 6 months have been particularly rough for me personally.  I have been following Jesus faithfully for the past 13 years, and am probably viewed by many as a stable, strong christian.  But I have truly been heavy laden, crushed almost, and have had a true awakening.  

Have you ever felt like you were in a fog?  Like you were going through motions, and like the movie "groundhog day" you were doomed to repeat this every day of your life?  I have been there. Without hope of change.  Without hope of another way.  And the saddest part, I didn't even realize I was in a fog.  A rut. A pit. Call it what you may, but I was there.  And while you are in this pit, you feel no one cares. Everything offends you.  Everyone is out to hurt you. Etc, etc, etc.  This came on me from disappointments, pain from hurtful accusations, being attacked and tested, being burnt and stabbed.  Before I knew it, I was wounded and lying in a ditch.

I was half a person, half a wife, half a mother. There, but not really there. Dried up, empty, mad and bitter. Everything annoyed me. What an ugly place to be!

Well I am thankful to say that in my darkest moment, Jesus led me out.  I am not really sure how it happened, but I cried out and He answered.  I heard His voice again, oh how sweet that is.  The written word is not enough, you must have His voice too.  They go together.  When you hear it, it's the most beautiful thing in the whole world.

He is ever patient with us. He is full of mercy and understanding.  

I am not responsible for others thoughts about me.  They are THEIR thoughts. Their opinions. Their issues.  NOT mine.  I am responsible to live a life of love for my Jesus, and that will reflect what He chooses to allow it to reflect.   Something I have learned is that people see you through their eyes, and they have been shaped by their own hurts, unforgiveness, and past.  What they see isn't always THE truth, but it's their perception.  And you cannot change people. Only God can, and their willingness to let Him do so.  Oh how freeing that is to me.   

If you need Him to lead you out, He is so able and willing to do so.  Sometimes it comes down to simply trusting Him.  He is good. His plans are good.  He's always been good. Just trust that.  


1 comment:

  1. I hear you and have been with you in a fog myself. Your blog post made me smile in the fact that finding the way out is a great feeling. You need anything, you know how to find me. I want to bring over cookies so we can laugh and chat. If I was closer, I would be there in a heartbeat. Love you always my friend.

