Saturday, December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016.

2016, you were a hard one. 

I have said that 2014 was my hardest year. Cancer was no fun.
But 2016 takes the prize. 

Hard times and lots of saying goodbye. So much change. Lots of bitter. 

But I remember- There was also sweet...

My beautiful friends visited us all the way from Haiti. 

I received a clear mammogram. 

I attended my first Women's Ramp and was forever changed. 

I had lots of proud mama moments. 

I learned to count my blessings.

My marriage- my family - became my most precious gift to me. A gift worth fighting for.

I embraced a new home. New job. New church.

I realized I'm stronger than I used to believe. That I can walk through the fire. 

I have chosen to let go instead of clinging to a past I can't change. Forgiveness is the key.

I honor the lessons- blocking out the past will not help me learn. 

Most of all- I know who I am. And that I don't need a human to validate me. I have my Fathers approval and love. 

2016 didn't break me, and I'm grateful for the lessons learned. I will use them as fuel for my future. I will fight the fear of being broken again, because I know that will hold me back from pursuing my dreams. 

I will still dream, and I will still believe. 

Here's to 2017. You will be the best one yet. 


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