Thursday, April 3, 2014

I wore a wig today.

I wore a wig today. It was weird. 

I went to walmart and everyone stared and pointed. 

Ok not really. But it felt like it :) 

I think I am a pretty real person. What you see is what you get.

Same person behind closed doors that I am anywhere else.

I really have a hard time with lies. Being betrayed is a tough one for me to get over. Forgive? Yes. 
Trust again, not so easy. 

A wig feels like a lie. Like I'm pretending to be something I'm not. Just odd. 

Some people might do the wig thing and it works great. Good for them. We each have to find our thing. And I might wear one every one in a while. 

Being bald is odd too, but hey, it's who I am right now. 

And that's ok. 

❤️ Christa 

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