Monday, September 10, 2012

I don't like "Church".

There.  I said it.  I don't like "Church."

I don't like the system.  I don't like the traditional, religious rituals.  I don't like the people that only come because they are looking for something to please theirselves with. The pasted smiles, the generic talk.  The relationships that are only so deep, only deep enough to scratch the surface.  Until they find the next best thing, or until they find a fault or two, then they move on.

Hear my heart - I know that Christ died for the "Church", the people.  I'm talking about the man-made system that is the "Church".  The rules, the ways... our ways that can honestly be so far from His heart.

Without Him, without His heart, it's all pointless.  It means nothing.  Without being in love with JESUS, why even turn up there?  Why even come?  Why minister, why go to meetings?

Oh, but WITH Him.  With Him it all makes sense.  With Him there is no mountain too high, nothing I would not do.

Let us not do anything unless we are in love with Him.  May we be obedient to what He has said - to love one another with a fervent love.

Because lets be honest, it's dead works if it's not done in the right heart.

<3 Christa

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