Thursday, July 19, 2012

A happy heart makes the face cheerful

What makes a happy heart?

A nice car?  A full checking account?  Well behaved kids?  Well, these things are nice. And they would relieve a bit of stress, sure. :)  But a "happy" heart goes much deeper than this.

Lately I have been dealing with my "feelings."  Everybody has them, and many of us blame others for them.  But they are "our" feelings, no one elses.

Sometimes things happen and people will hurt our feelings. Not intentionally, not on purpose, not meaning to, whatever.  But it happens.  And we are left with our feelings.  We are responsible to deal with them.  I have heard it said, "A spirit filled man cannot be offended."  Why?  Because we are full of Him, and if we are full of Him, we have to be full of love, forgiveness, grace, etc.  Ahhhh, but what about my feelings?  What about when I am hurt?  Don't my feelings matter at all?

God cares about every little thing.  Every tear, every bumped elbow and scraped knee.  But we have the choice of letting go the things that hold us, such as unforgiveness and hurt feelings.  Sometimes that means going to a person and letting them know how you feel.  Sometimes you just have to hit your knees.  It feels so good just to let it go.

The miracle is joy in Him in a day that goes all wrong. The miracle is standing in awe of abundance as I chop carrots and bathe children and fold laundry. The miracle is a Son sent to die for the very likes of me and His ever-pursuing love for me still. ♥

Keeping our hearts clean is a tough thing, but absolutely necessary.  It's the only way we can hear God, of this I am convinced.  And I believe it's the only way to have a happy heart.

Christa <3

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