I've been thinking and contemplating lately about life.
Just life in general, the ordinary parts in particular.
We have made radical changes to our lives in the past few years. We were pastoring churches full time, immersed in "full time" ministry. We lived mostly in our churchy bubbles, with some interaction with the outside world, but AS MUCH AS I HATE TO ADMIT IT, we mostly stayed inside of our circle.
A few years ago, I started to dread getting up in the morning. I was worn out and tired but I wasn't exactly sure why. I knew there was something down deep that wasn't right, but couldn't quite put my finger on it.
I'd lay awake many nights feeling it, wondering what it could be.
Ever been there?
On the outside, it all looked fine. I was healthy and I was feeling like myself again. Living in a new house. Had a handful of true friends. Serving Jesus with my heart and my husband and kids.
Then one day, it was different. It was all gone. I was healthy, we were together. But the rest was gone and we had to figure out who in the world we were.
We walked away from that life. We said goodbye to that season. We shut the door. And we walked forward into whatever lied ahead for us, not knowing at all what it would look like on the other side.
Fast forward to today - we work full time jobs outside of the church. We still serve and are leaders at our church that we love dearly, but it is very different for us.
Why I am I saying all of this? All of the changes, both wanted and unwanted, brought me to this conclusion.
What does that mean? What is the ordinary? The ordinary is the moments that are weaved throughout our days. The most mundane are often the most meaningful. The folding of laundry, the washing of dishes, the making of beds. The late night talks, the after church coffee, the hug from a friend that you so badly needed.
Sometimes we miss the little things waiting on the big things.
The ordinary. The moments that make you say - what did I do to deserve this life?
These are the moments that make you cry the best tears.
Maybe your life doesn't look like you pictured. Maybe it never will. And you know what? That's ok! Because is DOES look like it's supposed to - the good, the bad, the ugly.
There is purpose in it. There is beauty in it.
May God help us to see - really see- our ordinary through His eyes. It is an amazing gift.