About God, about truth, about Church, about Christians.
About how I treat others. And what I allow in my life. About my worth.
I have never claimed to know it all. But I do believe I have met Jesus, and know Him as not only my best friend but also my savior. My rescuer. The one who speaks peace to my heart.
I also know him as the one with eyes of fire. When I am out of line,harboring bitterness or ugliness, he nudges me. Lovingly, but firm. With "good" reason or with none at all, he convicts my heart and urges me to let it go. To make things right. Because that's who he is.
For each of us that follow Him.
I believe that God is good. No matter what the situation looks like. His goodness doesn't change and His love doesn't either. He's just as passionate about me when I fall than he is when I stay on the path.
I believe he hurts when we hurt, that it pains him when we hurt one another.
I also believe in the church. Despite its flaws. It's beautiful. And it's through connection we are healed. Doing life together, loving one another. Pulling one another up when we need a helping hand.
I try my hardest to stay near his heart, because I believe it's the only way to truly love people. I constantly look my heart over, looking for dark spots so I can hand them over to the one that can change me. I don't always follow through. I'm not perfect. But I try.
So when I see or hear of Christians mistreating one another, I believe that's wrong.
We are required to love. It's not an option. It's biblical. It's a command.
What does that look like?
Well. Here's what I believe it doesn't look like....
Degrading someone because their choices aren't what you think they should be.
Gossiping about another because they struggle.
Seeing someone and completely avoiding them because they aren't on your level.
Regarding someone to their past.
Leaving a brother or sister in the ditch because you want to keep your hands clean.
Being silent when your words could change everything.
Here's what I've seen and believe to be true Christianity...
Being joyful in suffering.
Choosing to do the right thing even when it's hard.
Repenting and forgiving. And letting go.
Receiving bad news and still looking out for others.
Loving someone through their dark times.
Seeing potential, seeing the diamond.
Not giving up on someone in the rough patch.
Speaking life.
Spreading hope when it looks bleak.
I believe we can be good to each other.
I want Him to recognize me when He returns.
Let us be awakened to love.