You're looking pretty excited and scared and in love.
Hard times will come, good times will come, and I need you to listen.
Your eyes light up when he's around and butterflies when you talk about him and when you talk about your future. Remember this.
The days with pagers instead of cell phones and the late night "143"... Remember this.
Walking down the aisle and being shaky and hopeful and hearing George Straight singing and saying "I do..." Remember this.
When the first baby comes (and the second and third...) and you see how much they look like you and him, and you see what a miracle God made, and that he used you both... The feeling doesn't have words. Remember this.
When the fights come and go... And come again... And he wraps his arms around you and wipes your tears away... The times he cries with you... Remember this.
When the first house is built... And he works so hard to build a life for your family... Countless hours at his job and lonely times for you both, but with a goal in mind... Remember this.
When the lump is found, and you tell him... He held you and prayed with you and wiped your tears. When the diagnosis comes he stands with you and though his knees buckle at times, he stays and helps carry the burden. Remember this.
When people come and go, and life takes you to new places, the love grows and it doesn't leave. He teaches you about love and what it really looks like, and it's not only a feeling. It's a choice. A decision. Remember this.
Love isn't earned - it's given. Because we were saved by love that hung on a cross. It wasn't earned, it was freely given.
Remember this.
Don't give up on love. If it's broken, fix it. If it's dry, water it. If it's hard, pray through it.
Remember this.
Your future self