Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I shall not want.

"When I taste your goodness, I shall not want."

Think about the times you've felt content. Like, really satisfied.

Being full after a great meal. 
Sleeping in after a longggg stretch of getting up early. 
The first sip of a great cup of coffee. 
The first time the baby sleeps through the night. 
The feeling after you get into a perfect bubble bath. 
Getting into bed with clean sheets... 


What does it mean to be content? 

Content: (adjective) satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.

Looking around at my life, I feel I have been mostly content. Sure, things have not always been perfect. But I've been satisfied with my life. Little or much. I'm grateful. For my kids, for my husband and for the relationships I've been given. 

There is such power is choosing gratefulness and contentment. 

The two times I've been extremely discontent were two seasons that I did not ask for. They were thrown on me and I didn't have a say. I thought somebody would stand up and speak. They didn't. Decisions were made for me. People made choices for me. Things should have been different. 
Been there? So many have. It's no fun. 

And my heart broken. 

But guess what? I am learning that you can be content in these moments too. Choosing contentment is just that- a choice. 

Even though circumstances aren't ideal, I can be content. 
My heart may be heavy, but I can be content. 
People come and go. I can be content. 
Things change, and Jesus remains. 
That's why I am content. Because He does not leave or turn away. He's steady and faithful and when everything around me falls- He is true. 

When I'm mistreated by people I thought I could trust- He remains. 

When my surroundings change unexpectedly- Jesus remains. 

When health reports come and they aren't what we wish they were - Jesus remains. 

And I believe this with all my heart... That being content is tied to being a good forgiver.

There is always a need to forgive, always someone that has hurt us, knowingly or not. Doing this keeps our heart in a position of contentment, and rest. This is freedom. 

And there is nothing that justifies holding on to your offense. Nothing so terrible or awful. It's just not worth hanging on to. 

Because - Jesus can wash anything. His blood speaks a better word. 

What if we just decided to stop wishing for more? For something different? 
What if our "now" has purpose in shaping us and growing us? Making us stronger. It does. 

Believing in what's coming, but being content in my now. 


Monday, September 12, 2016

Guard your heart.

"Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts." 
Proverbs 4:23 The Message

This has been my favorite verse since I met Jesus. I have read it over and over, shared it with others, spoke messages on it...it is very powerful and I promise will change your life - if applied fully. 

If you've ever been in a season where you or your family has been under spiritual attack, this verse becomes more of a command than a suggestion. It is a must- for your protection as well as your sanity. 

To move forward and to break any ties that the enemy could use to hinder or draw you backwards- you must be willing to cut away- a clean sweep- even things you have loved and held dear. 

Why? Because Jesus is better- and his plans are better. 

Don't be afraid or unwilling to reevaluate your life. You are worth it. 

Relationships, attitudes, habits. Lay it all out and ask yourself what needs to go. 
You'll take criticism. You'll be judged and talked about and misunderstood. 
It's ok. 

Questions to ask if you aren't sure...
Is it life giving?
Does it encourage my heart? 
Could it be a distraction from my future? 
Does it weigh me down? 

These are my bars. Anything that leads to negativity or death- it goes. 

Some of this hurts. Some- not so much.

But Jesus is better. I know He is. 

Moving on ❤️
