He reminded me that with Him, we are always on the move. Always going forward, deeper, growing. Sometimes we forget that. As Christians, there are time we think we are stuck, or we aren't moving fast enough, but He's there. And He's tangible.
Goodness that's beautiful. That no matter how dark the situation, the light is always there, cause it's always in us.
Looked back on my Instagram tonight. I am not the same person I was a year ago. A year and a half ago. The journey has changed me. And I am grateful to say it's been for the better.
Parts of my heart have been awakened. And others have been cut away. It's made me better, not bitter. I've chosen it- it didn't come easily. I fought for it.
Just want to encourage you friend. If you can't see the light in your situation right now- don't give up. Have hope. Wait on the Lord. He's faithful and He never leaves.
What seems like forever isn't. This too shall pass- and you'll be all the better for it.