Tuesday, April 14, 2015

You're worth it.

Many are aware of my journey the past year. Overcoming cancer and getting my self back. It has been scary, and hard, and enlightening, and beautiful. 

I learned a lot about me. 

For starters. I don't like superficial. I refuse to be someone I'm not. God made me to be ME- and He's pretty happy. I'm far from perfect and I mess up all the time. 

All that matters is that I please Him at the end of every day. I so want that. 

Second. I'm trying to step up my health game. Getting lung cancer after you've smoked for 40 years is terrible- but predictable. If you've contributed to killing your body- it's not a shocker when it wears out faster than if you didn't. Why do we hurt ourselves? We eat junk and feel awful. Why?

I want to do my best with what I've been given. I believe that just like we will answer for all we have or have not done for Him, we will also answer for our bodies he gave us. I'm committed to doing better. I'm back in the gym regularly. I walk a lot more. I choose grilled chicken instead of pizza. Sometimes :) 

I take better care of myself. 

This includes my nightly non negotiable bubble bath. No matter what. ;) 

And third- there are honestly so many other things but maybe another day- I want to be a good friend. I have struggled trusting people in the past, and honestly I still do at times. People are something else. Smile in your face and cut you down when you turn away. Pretend we aren't mad or offended and lack courage to be honest about it. Force a happy face. We are all guilty. 

But I don't want to do it for the return. Because they will do the same. 

I want to love others better because He's watching. I want to make His heart smile. 

I know I'll miss the mark, sure. I'm selfish and thoughtless and forgetful. I hate that. 


I want to do better. Be better. Why? 

Because I'm worth it. And you are too. 

Choose better - choose the hard thing. Go the extra mile. It's not crowded. 

You can do it friend. 
