Saturday, January 17, 2015


A little late for a New Years post maybe. But here goes anyway :) 

I told myself I wasn't doing that whole "word of the year" thing. But I kept hearing the same word as I reflected over 2014 and all of its glory (I say that with much sarcasm) and so I have a word. 

Simple but not. It's such a process. You can't heal from cancer quickly. Oh I expected the physical stuff. But I didn't think it would take me so long to get energy and strength back, but I knew it would be tough. I have really been frustrated with the pace of my progress- ugh. 

And the emotional part- goodness. Such a roller coaster. Up down and in between. Not helped by meds either. 

Let me be clear, I'm not whining. I'm just speaking out. I'm a firm believer in being real, open and honest. 

We are always expected to have it together. Be on time. Say the right things. Remember stuff. Act right. Dress cute. Have all the answers. Whatever. 

And you know what? No one has it all together! We ALL fall short and we all lose our temper and we all miss it. It happens and it is LIFE and we aren't pathetic for failing. 

We are BRAVE for trying. 

So I'm gonna breathe and relax and focus on healing. Day by day. And be patient with ME. Because I'm worth it. 

And so are you friend. 

Give yourself a break. Cut yourself some slack. You're perfectly imperfect. 

Your best is always good enough, no matter how small it seems at times. 

And you're doing just fine. :) 

Christa <3