This is nothing new. You can find nude pictures anywhere. Nothing is sacred to people anymore.
My heart has been so heavy- for the young women that will look at things like this and buy into the lie that they have to be a certain way- look or act a certain way- or they just aren't "enough."
I fell into this trap- for all of my teenage years and some of my adult years. Thinking I had to perform for love. Pretend and copy and compare.
Comparison really is the theif of joy. And it will eat away at your soul.
There is one that looks at you and to Him there is absolutely no comparison.
He gave his life for you
He fought for you
He bled for you
He prays for you
He sings bad rejoices over you
He numbers the hairs on your head
He sees you
He counts your tears
He hears your every word
Don't sell yourself short. You aren't cheap or easy. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and there is only one you. And your heart is worth being guarded.
You are not your body or hair or clothing. You are more. You are precious.
And let me tell you something...
You are the most beautiful girl in the world- yes you- and don't you forget it.