Monday, September 8, 2014

I want to look like love.

I realize that most of my blog posts lately have had the same running theme.

Don't take life for granted.

But I just can't get off of that.  It's my heart.  So here's another one. :)

I believe we have been given gifts in the ones God has trusted us with.  Our families, our friends, our relationships.  And I also believe we will be held accountable for the way we have loved them.

I believe we have been given two charges from the almighty.  To love God with everything we have, and to love others BIG.

I have been convicted lately that I haven't loved people well.  Not as well as I should.  Not with my whole heart.  I want to be better at that. I want to look like love.

Starting with my immediate family.  And spreading out from there.

Don't we take the ones closest to us for granted.... the most?  Ugh I hate to admit that. But it's true.  We get familiar with those we are around all the time.

But what gifts they are to us.

I yelled at my kids today.  I got aggravated with my husband too.  And that's ok - we are human and it's gonna happen.  But my heart needed a check. And I'm just so thankful for Holy Spirit. He leads and directs me and my heart into all truth. And boy do I need it.

"She carefully gathers the minutes of her life and lives them."

I want to be this.  I want to cherish every moment - soak up the moments - and really live them.

I cried at dinner tonight. I cried over my barbeque chicken. Why? Because my little boy was shoving food in his mouth and I was tempted to fuss at him. I almost did - and then it hit me.

He is a beautiful gift.  A gift from Daddy God.  And He gives such good gifts!

Love the ones you're with, friends.  They are treasures.  <3

Much love,