Family...holidays approaching and the first year 1600 miles from home (and my mom, cause home is where your mom is)
counting up the cost and remembering that He's so worth it even when it's not easy or comfortable
Worries about kids and money and praying for grace to balance this crazy busy wonderful life- just keeping it real
Being more intentional in pouring my life into our kids...not taking the "ordinary" for granted
Sad and confused when my heart and prayers don't exactly line up with what I see with my eyes...casting doubt from my heart and mind daily- taking thoughts captive can be terribly exhausting but so necessary
Amazed at how He knew a fear I had was that I would have no friendships after the move, I so despise loneliness...being a pastors wife is tough sometimes, but watching Him bring such beautiful people into my life and the lives of my husband and children...that not only fill a void but bless us and love us so big...having someone bless my child and show them real love makes my heart just about pop
Heavy heart for feeling misunderstood at times- but thankful for a God that knows my heart at all times when people do not
Easy to praise Him when we are in our comfort zones but not so easy when we are stripped of it...
Hoping and praying He will show Himself faithful and true, but even if He doesn't do what I hope for, what I think I need...He is still good.
He's always good and sweet and His acts of love are seen and felt in my heart.
Learning to be content and grateful and thankful and walking in my grace for today :)