Saturday we arrived back in Amarillo, after a week long visit in Virginia. It had been almost 6 months since our move, and lots of emotions ran through our family. We were excited to see our loved ones and visit our old stomping grounds. And we were a little apprehensive about visiting our former church, and new pastors. I decided to just let go and trust God (easier said than done). Oh He is so, so good and right on time.
Never early and never late.
Always on time.
The church is as beautiful as ever, and the new shepherds are placed by His hand. The church is glowing and being the light they are called to be. Such a testimony that God works all things together for the good of those that love Him, and are called according to His purpose. We were so blessed while there, and got some sweet family time with some who are moving and shifting. Grateful for those who came to spend time with us.
Right on time.
All this said, I became aware that I hadn't let go of my last season. The worry about those without a shepherd kept me and Kevin up at night, many times. I realized that I could now let go, and became filled with peace and knowledge that it never really was about us, but about Him and His plan. I am refreshed and ready to run into what He has for me an my family.
He gives grace for the season we are in. He places relationships that we need and crave. He sets the solitary in families. He is just so sweet.
I am so grateful for the sweet presence of Jesus. There are times when we just need to remember - and reflect- and thank Him for the past. And then we must let go and move forward into the new, and trust that He has all under His watchful heart.
Looking forward to what this new season brings.
<3 Christa