Almost Friday, almost the end of a stressful week in America.
On Monday, bombs went off at the Boston Marathon, reminding us that evil is real and sadness too. Fear grips the hearts of so many and stories fill the media. There continue to be news reports, about abortion doctors and blood and hatred and murder and explosions and sadness and loss. A pull for followers of Christ always exists - a pull to answer the question -
"Where do I stand?"
I have searched my heart for answers. I am sure that as an american, a mom, a daughter, a cousin, a sister, that I would want an answer if I lost someone in such a violent way. Would I be angry? Sure.
And I would want answers to the questions of WHY and HOW and what are we gonna do? Revenge can easily stir in the hearts of those who are wronged. But the call is always the low road. Our flesh and emotion will always want the higher ground - to stand up and fight, to shout louder, to hit harder.
But is that always the answer? Shouldn't our response always be Christ? Not silent and small, or ignorant, or in a corner huddled in fear. But strong in the knowledge of who He is and who we are in Him.
Strong in the knowing that He has all things in His hand, and will take care of them in His perfect time.
We know that there is a time to speak, and a time to be silent. There is a time for everything, according to Ecclesiastes 3. And when we are asked for our stance, for our heart, may we all be ready. And quick to embrace and be a refuge for those in need.
I cannot put it any better than Ann Voskamp, author of 1000 Gifts did.
"For Christ followers, it's more than being pro-choice and pro-life - it's about always being pro-the-least-of-these."
That just about sums it up. There's no better time to LOVE. And love for real.
<3 Christa