Monday, March 11, 2013

A little McBride Update

It's been a bit since my last blog- whew! Time flies when you're having fun :)

We have been here in Texas for 3 months already. God has been so good to us!

We are revitalizing a church here in Amarillo, and our hearts are already knit with this City.  We have been painting, cleaning, freshening up and working hard to prepare a place for others to meet Jesus. God has put together a worship team and we are so excited for the future.

Our first outreach was to the area Strip Clubs for Valentines Day- God put on my heart to reach out to the forgotten and overlooked- the women's ministries of Christian Heritage Church and Grace Church got together and made 60 sweet little gift bags of candy, lip gloss, nail polish, etc. with the tag that said, "You're beautiful" and our church names and numbers. We dropped them off before the clubs opened for the day- without pointing fingers or hitting them over the head with a Bible. Just tangible love - wrapped up in a little bag.

We are planning an Easter Family Fun Day at the park across from the church on March 30.  We will have thousands of eggs, games, giveaways, and lots of fun for the adults and kids. This is not a gimmick- it is simply a tool to break down walls and love on people.  We believe Jesus died not for programs and church buildings- Jesus died for people and we have to be willing to get out of our little bubbles and go to them. We are so excited about what God is doing.

In our personal lives, we have been challenged, pressed, pushed, and provoked to more of Him. I truly believe, as a great friend once told me, that obedience brings blessing.  But I also realize that blessing may not always look like we think it should.  We may look for the money, or the feel good of the moment, while God may be sending something disguised as suffering or discomfort that is really a blessing.  "Blessed are you when you are persecuted for my sake..."   

Not everyone has been over the moon to have us here :)  Believe it or not, some really love the way "things have always been" and aren't too excited about the boat being rocked.

I realize that we are not the cookie cutter preacher and preacher's wife.  And I am truly okay with that.  We know that our message will be sweet to some and sour to others.....that we will challenge and provoke some.  We are learning to be alright with who we are and embrace our anointing.  Walking in love and obedience to the best of our ability.  Keeping our eyes on Him. Staying close to the One who never changes His mind.

I have also begun an Etsy shop - at  The Lord put on my heart that there are creative ways of supplementing our income - already in us.  Creativity takes courage :)  I began creating art prints - scriptures, quotes, songs, etc.  I believe that words are powerful- that which we meditate upon is what we think about and become.

We also began working on special order leather bracelets - I had gotten one for Christmas and really wanted to make them for others. They can be specialized with different colors of leather and a word/phrase choice. We now have them for sale at a local shop here in town, and God is really blessing our efforts.  We are so grateful.

Here is the link to the shop...

I have seen His hand work in our lives so visibly - maybe it's because we are removed from our comfort zone - away from familiar - I'm not sure, but I have SEEN His hand and am eternally thankful for all He has done for us.

Be encouraged - the more you seek Him- the more you find Him. It's a promise, and He never breaks His promises.
