Tuesday, January 5, 2016

More than meets the eye

Last week I found the coolest little book. We were downtown shopping in a few antique shops and it caught my eye. I got it because it was small and old and cost $4.00, so why not? 

It turned out to be a book by Andrew Murray about prayer, and it has wrecked me. Thank God I found that little book. 

How many have passed it by? Not given it a second thought? 
There's always more to things than what meets the eye. 

I was asked by someone recently how I continue to love people after they hurt me, or use me. It took be aback - I had really not thought about it before. 

There are many relationships I have had that were one sided, mostly taking and not much giving. It comes with the territory being pastors. Honestly I guess I just conditioned myself - with years in ministry you kinda get used to it. 

Just because I smile and continue to show love- doesn't mean I dont hurt. I have feelings. I have been talked about and judged plenty. It seems to always find its way to my ears, the enemy loves that. 

But I give it to the lord. And if he leads me to confront, I do. But most if the time he leads me to pray for the one that hurt me. Keep silent and pray. When my flesh would do otherwise. 

So humbling. 

I have learned to take things with a grain of salt. People all have opinions and unfortunately we aren't great at showing grace and mercy in abundance toward one another. We are all growing and learning - if any are perfect you should open a school and teach the rest of us ;)

The only way to really love people past your means and to keep your heart open is to love with His love. Abide in Him. There's always enough if you love with His heart. It never runs dry. 

Don't let people cause you to turn your love off. We all fail and we will all fall short. 

Choose love. Like Jesus did. And still does.

Even with the hurt, it's so worth it. 

Christa ❤️