Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I'll tell you a secret about me. 

Despite my crazy life of following Jesus and feeling many times like I'm on a wild goose chase. I want normal. I crave routine. The simple life. 

Familiar and comfortable. Predictable and safe. 

Peace and quiet. 

I am learning myself. My ways. 

When I'm overwhelmed I pull away and I just want to drink coffee in my backyard. Away from people and messes and needs. 

When I forget to abide, I get tired. I get irritated with people and junk and phone calls and stuff. 

 So I reconnect. I kneel down at His feet again and my heart is reminded of why I follow such a beautiful King. 

Not because He's always predictable or comfortable. Or even safe.

But because He is worth every tear and extra effort. Every sleepless night and every check written. Every hurt feeling and every wound. 

God wanted us so much that He bought us back- with the blood of His son. We are worth it to Him. And He is worth it to me. 

So I repent for getting off balance and I take a deep breath and I grab His hand. He's so faithful and He never leaves. 

Will I fail at this again? Probably. But I know He will be there to remind me....again. 

It's not that He loves me because of what I do. Or don't do. 

He loves me just because He is love. 

That makes it worth it all. 

Christa ❤️