Thursday, March 5, 2015

You've got this.

Hey you.

Yep, you.

The one that feels like giving up.

The one that feels like quitting.

That barely could get out of bed and get dressed and tie your shoes and put on a happy face.


You are pretty stinking awesome.  

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

There is no one like you, and no one more qualified to be you. There are lives that only you can touch and words that only you can speak and a road only you can walk.

There's an enemy out there that knows this - knows it even more that you and I know it.

An enemy that laughs when you give in and high fives himself when you break.

Because he already knows the thing that we need reminding of.

This - If you don't quit - you win. 

The battle is raging - yes. But the war has been won.

We still have this walk to walk - fight this fight - this battle is not against flesh and blood. It's bigger than that...

But guess what?

You are stronger than you think - than you feel most days - there's more to you than what you see in the mirror.

You are one tough cookie.

Think of what you've survived - what you've walked through.  You are still HERE and you haven't dropped off and you haven't given in.

He has made you strong - remember this.

You are important - and you are needed.

You are a gift.

So don't fall apart.  Hold it together.  Dig those heels in. Keep on keeping on.

Because you can do it.  I believe in you.

But more importantly - He does.

Just a little encouragement for your beautiful heart today.

<3 Christa

If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn't much to you in the first place.
Proverbs 24:10 msg