Friday, December 20, 2013

A stripper Christmas... What???

Did I get your attention? :)

Love does. It isn't love unless you give it away. And it looks like something.

It looks like children that can't eat dinner unless you take food to their house.

It looks like buying sausage biscuits for the homeless men on the corner. 

It looks like children giving to other children- and learning what it truly means to give. 

It looks like forgiving the grudge and letting go and blessing instead of cursing. And in turn you bless yourself. 

It looks like an idea- to DO something about the things you think about- not overthinking it but just doing. 

Love in action.

Last February we had lived here in amarillo for about 6 weeks. I was saddened by the amount of strip clubs their were in the city. My hometown only had one to my knowledge-and the effort to close it was consistent. But here in amarillo there are quite a few.

So many. Too many.

I had the idea- what if we bless, bless instead of curse? Love instead of judge? Look upon with compassion instead of with haughty eyes?

So I threw the idea and my heart behind it out to my leaders. Leaders who don't just read the bible, about Jesus... They walk it out in plain view for all to see. 

They blessed it and gave funds to it, and off we were. We made approx 60 bags and distributed them to several of the clubs for valentines day. They had nail polish, lotions, lip gloss, candy and a card attached with the contact info for our churches. The card read "there could never be a more beautiful you." 

We never heard a word back. And we were prepared for that. Because love doesn't keep record- or expect a response. Love just DOES.

This November we presented the idea again- to bless these girls for Christmas. Those who are only looked at for lust and performance. To remind them that there is ONE who sees deeper than their skin. A good Daddy who loves them for who they are- not what they can do.

A friend who knows the owner of some of the clubs we went to shared that when she spoke with him a few weeks ago- he wasn't happy with us. She asked why- he replied...

"I don't know what you put in those bags, but two of my best dancers quit after getting them." 

He doesn't want us to come back. 

We gathered last night and made 99 bags. We didn't mean to make 99- it just happened. But God knew. 

"Look at it this way:if someone has 100 sheep and one if them wanders off, doesn't he leave the 99 and go after the one? Andif he finds it, doesn't he make far more over it than the 99 who stay put? Your father in Heaven feels the same way. He doesn't want to lose even one." Matthew 18:12-14

He doesn't want to lose even one. 

This Christmas, stop for the one. Act on the idea. Do something for someone. It might not be a stripper, but it might be. It might be a family member. It might be a stranger. Just do it.

Love does,
Christa ❤️

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday happenings

Oh the busyness of life. I am sitting at home on a Saturday evening and taking a breath. Subbing at schools, working in ministry, children's practices, creating pretties and shipping out orders, and the day to day family stuff - laundry, school work, sibling rivalry- can suck your joy if you aren't careful.

And it's too easy to let that happen. Too easy to miss the small stuff- that is really the big stuff. 

Jesus is in it all if we take the time to see Him. Always working, interceding on our behalf. For those that trust in Him.

In the plans that don't work out like we hoped, in the sudden discovery of blockages and open heart surgery of a loved one, and in the fear of what the future holds. And the doubt too. 

What do you do for your first Christmas away from "home"? I wondered this as the holidays approached and realized it's what you make it. It's different, yes. But seasons come and they go and love is what matters. 

What do you do? The same as all of us.

You keep going. And you smile and you laugh because joy is strength for today and tomorrow. You find time where there seems to be none- to make gingerbread trains and look at Christmas lights and make candy and cookies. 

You fight for a sense of normal and you balance the imbalance-.for there is grace for this season and more importantly - for today. And it's so with fighting for. 

 I am thankful for my sweet family and the faithful God we serve. 

❤️ Christa